Thatching Services

Good quality materials, as applied by Glen Charter Master Thatcher’s, can last for 30 or more years. Nonetheless, there are a number of ways of ensuring this longevity, such as re-ridging or patching, and as such Glen offers a range of services to meet these needs. These services include:



Re-ridging is a necessary part of the maintenance of a thatched roof to ensure its longevity and prevent the need for a full re-thatch. Glen offers a range of designs, from flush ridging, to block cut patterning to provide a neat and aesthetic finish.


Thatched roofs can suffer some minor damage over the years, for example from vermin, or may require alterations due to work being done on the property. Glen offers patching and repairs service to meet these needs and prevent the need for a full re-thatch.

Installation of fire barriers

Glen Charter Master Thatcher’s can advise on, and supply, fire barriers for new build projects, and re-thatching works.

Associated tiling works

Glen Charter Master Thatcher’s can organise and provide associated tiling works, such as integrated windows, valley tiling and chimney rebuilds.

Timber work repairs

During the re-thatching process, Glen Charter Master Thatcher’s can undertake and organise any associated timber repair work or alterations required.

Insurance survey’s

Glen Charter Master Thatcher’s can carry out any thatch condition surveys, as required by insurance companies.

Today, the most common materials used for thatching are long straw, water reed and combed wheat reed, and Glen can work with all of these materials to meet a client’s needs.

Glen Charter Master Thatcher’s can provide these services for a wide range of property’s, with previous work ranging from small summer houses, to vast commercial premises, such as the barns at Aylesford Priory. If you have any queries about the suitability of your property for thatching, don’t hesitate to contact Glen.

Glen does not subcontract work, however, when required he has a select group of trusted Thatcher’s that he has worked with for the last 30 years that he can call upon to assist on larger scale projects.

Glen Charter Master Thatcher’s is a Kent based company, and as such covers the whole of Kent.

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